Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rock Your Dreams

She blinks her eyes a few times against the bright lights as she walks out onto the stage amidst a cacophony of cheers and whistles.  All of the late night gigs, hard work and shoestring dreams have led her to this moment.  She takes a deep breath and grabs the microphone as she screams, "Are you ready to ROCK?!"

Skin- Claudia by Belleza [Black Fashion Fair]
Shape- my own
Tattoo- Rigel Princess by Letis Tattoo [Black Fashion Fair]
Hair- Nyoki Hair by Tableau Vivant [We <3 RP]
Luna Corset by Dark Passions [Black Fashion Fair]
Bree fit mesh pants by SHINE [Black Fashion Fair]
Eliza Steel platform wedges by L. Warwick [Black Fashion Fair]
Ibiza Chains necklace by Indy&Co

Sexy singer pose and microphone by Bebotes
Les Paul electric guitar by iPROz

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